Monday, October 8, 2007

Pre-Final: Exam

The trends in telecummonacation is a part of a new system in the way of telecomunication because people now are wanted to deal in a fast communacation.The blog that u have open now tell you the introduction of our trends in communication..also you can read the inside part of my life...Thank You!!

Pre Final: Quiz 2

My predictions about my topic that in the future people are more dependent in technology espicially in telecominication people are using them more because of the trends in the commuinity bcause of the capability of the tecn9ology the demand of using is is advantage of using the system espicially in telecommunication beacause its convenient to use faster...

Pre Final: Quiz 1

A survey which investigated organizational management of telecommunications and the current and future configurations of telecommunications equipment showed some expected results and some surprises. The survey showed that public academic institutions are in advance of private institutions in the acquisition of different types of telecommunication equipment and connections. Also surprisingly widespread is the use in academic institutions of connections usually identified with business. Fully 8% of the academic institutions report being connected to customers, 14% indicate use of EDI, and 16% indicate connection to suppliers. Another surprising result is that previous investment in telecommunications is a better predictor than revenue (for business firms) or size of student body (for academic institutions) of the presence of rare telecommunications options, if they have acquired experience by a steady progression of telecommunications acquisitions. A final, perhaps more predictable, result concerns the evolution of telecommunication configurations in organizations of all types toward more interconnectability and in the directions of organization wide networks. Over 70% of the organizations are working toward organization wide networks but only 24% to 25% of the organizations consider that they have attained this goal. This trend is evident in both the academic and business environments. While it is not clear how this will impact the availability of data, it is apparent that a need for more interconnectability and ease of communication is being felt by organizations at this time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My little History..

Well my name is joxbell john s my name is not really common right..espicailly joxbell my parents dont have any idea wher that name came from they just came out in the church really weird.hehehe!!but i like my name.i have a one brother our oldest and one sisiter the second one and im the youngest and we live many place in short we have a no permanent adress but know we have already we live know in Digos city with my mother because my brother and sisiter live know in the other country with their family and my father also is in other country working much abot my family lets talk now abot me..

ok! me just a simple guy live with a simple world.i live in a world with full of unforgetable moments and memories espicially in my past ages..when the time when i was young i give my time to learn some other things not just playing around but exploring around in me.i like to deal with the things that ive never been try or go to the place that ive never been see.when time is passing many quistion and curiosity that came into my mind quistion that need to be answerd and curiosity that need explanation and with the help of the people sorrunds in me my bothering is been the time that maturity is exicisting ambotion and vision has been seen but trials also need to be overcome and to learn to survive in this breathing place to achive small things that can bring you closer to dreams learning that life is not easy to live.The man is excisting but becoming a man is harder not easy to become but human must past this cycle.

know after all the learning and experiance and knowing to the a simple but preciuos one so it needs to handle carefully. now i am a person that likes a simple things .studying in Ama computer college in the course of Information Thecnology it is the start of my walking to my future and looking ahead on it.Now you know the part of my history...

Trensd in Telecommunication

Trends in Telecommunications

Internet became the dominant design of the networking for information and communication technology
(ICT) industries in the late 1990's. The emergence of Internet has changed the competitive environment in
the ICT area. The industry consolidation following the dominant design opens a process innovation period
where applications become IP-based. We call this the creation of All-IP environment with All-IP applications.
In the next 10 years the penetration of All-IP applications to corporate and consumer use will take place.

1. Introduction
Internet Protocol (IP) becomes the dominant design of networking after the
breakthrough of HTML-based Web and Browser-based user interfaces in the 1990's. The
emergence of IP-based services has changed the competitive environment of the ICT area
and new changes are taking place. The industry consolidation following the dominant
design takes approximately five years, after which the process innovation period of 5-10
years begins.
In the IP-services process innovation phase the new IP-products are taken into use
and new All-IP services emerge. This development restructures the network operator and
service provider industries. The key components of this development are new All-IP
middleware and service provisioning architectures, such as Web-Services, Open Mobile
Architecture and OMG CORBA.
It may be possible that the emerging middleware innovations enable new service
provisioning models, such that resource sharing between firms and service providers. As
the GRID architecture has been developed in CERN to enable the sharing of processing
capacity and mass memory resources between organizations, similarly WLAN, 3G and 4G
base stations could be shared between firms and operators in some form of service and
provider based Virtual Private Networks.
In this paper we study some major trends in All-IP application and service

2. ICT Trends
In Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) the relative size of IT and
Telecom industries has continued to grow (Figure 1) [2,4].
International Workshop NGNT 2
Figure 1: ICT turnover from 1995 to 2002
This growth is partly characterized by the increase of personal computing and
personal applications and partly by telecommunications. In telecommunications the
transition from simple connectivity services to mobile, data and content delivery services
over networks is proceeding. This transition may be divided into three waves.
The first wave (1994-2000) has been characterised by global services over the
existing infrastructure and growth in mobile and value-added services. Furthermore, the
Internet Protocol (IP) became the basic protocol for data and new services. This wave
opened also the growth of Internet telephony.
The second wave (2000-2006) will bring multimedia services with cost effective
broadband access available. Although the price bubble in mobile telephony has not burst
yet, the saturation of narrowband mobile will happen during this period. The broadband
wireless technology will be available in the form of third generation mobile and WLAN, and
the emergence of the fourth generation mobile can also be seen. Broadband wireless is
expected to become available after 2002. This is also the period when Web type user
interfaces and applications will be available in personal computers, mobile terminals and
television sets.
During the third wave (2006-2015) optical infrastructure in joint use will provide
common facilities for telecom services and digital media contents over the IP-based
networks. Optical routing and switching will be controlled directly by applications and
contents. Further, application and content service providers with ”self-assembled”
applications and content on demand over the networks may become the future digital
distribution channels. These channels will manage the pricing, branding and consumer
access to services.